
Wells notice for Coinbase from the SEC

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued a Wells...

Blockchains compatible with ISO 20022

ISO 20022 is an ISO standard for electronic data exchange between...

Tax management of crypto-assets: tools and strategies

In light of the new provisions introduced with the recent Finance...

Italy and crypto regulation: is influencer marketing legitimate?

Crypto regulation in terms of influencer marketing Steph Curry, Tom Brady, and...

Crypto and AI: the future of the lawyer’s role (part 2)

One of these is that human beings might find a different...


Hong Kong: volume of Bitcoin ETF trading lower than expected

The debut of the new Bitcoin Spot ETFs in...

The traded volume of stablecoins Tether (USDT), USDC, and DAI exceeds the monthly average of Visa in 2023

In a revolutionary shift in the digital economy, the...

OpenAi facing legal troubles in Austria

OpenAI, a leader in the development of artificial intelligence...

South Korea will officially establish a crypto investigative unit in response to the increase in crimes

In response to the significant increase in crypto-related crimes,...

Even Australia ready to approve Bitcoin ETFs

Today, Bloomberg reported that Australia would be ready to...