CBDC US: new Republican bill proposal to introduce the ban


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development of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the US. 

CBDC US: the Republican bill proposal for the ban on Central Bank Digital Currency

Republican senators Ted Cruz, Bill Hagerty, Rick Scott, Ted Budd, and Mike Braun have introduced the new bill “The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act”. The goal is to ban Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the USA.

“RELEASE: Sen. Cruz introduces a bill to ban central bank digital currencies”

Basically, this proposal aims to block the issuance of the CBDC in the United States, with the argument that the digital dollar could interfere with personal privacy.

Not only that, the proposal also aims to stop the efforts of the Biden administration. In this regard, Senator Cruz would have stated:

“The Biden administration is eager to infringe upon our freedom and intrude on citizens’ privacy to monitor their personal spending habits, which is why Congress must clarify that the Federal Reserve does not have the authority to implement a CBDC. I am proud to lead the battle in the Senate to limit the exploration and attempt of the Federal Reserve to introduce a CBDC into the American economy.”

Even other senators Hagerty, Scott, and Budd have released statements on the matter, all mentioning that the CBDC can be used as a tool for surveillance and violation of Americans’ privacy. Here are the words of Senator Scott: 

“The big government does not have the right to spy on Americans to control their personal finances and track their transactions. To me, this is a huge invasion of privacy and it doesn’t make sense. That’s why I’m proud to join Senator Ted Cruz in introducing the CBDC Act against the Surveillance State to oppose this invasive practice and keep Big Brother out of your bank account.”

CBDC US: the other supporters of the new bill proposal

According to Republican senators, the CBDC is a government-controlled programmable currency, unless it is designed as cash.

This CBDC could provide the federal government not only with significant transaction data down to the individual user level, but also the ability to program the CBDC to block politically unpopular activities.

That’s why the new proposal “The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act” aims to prohibit the Federal Reserve (or Fed) directly from anyone, ensuring that the Fed cannot turn into a retail bank. 

In support of the new Republican proposal, there are also other organizations such as Heritage Action for America (HAFA), Blockchain Association, American Bankers Association (ABA), Independent Community Bankers Association (ICBA), and Club for Growth (CFG).

To give a voice to non-political supporters, here’s what the Blockchain Association said about CBDC in the USA:

“CBDCs present serious privacy issues for ordinary Americans, including granting the government the ability to collect intimate personal details about US citizens, and potentially track and freeze funds for any reason. We welcome the introduction of the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act in the Senate, a law aimed at preventing the issuance of a CBDC in the United States.”

The previous bill proposal and the political debate on Central Bank Digital Currency

This is not the first time that Republicans have introduced a bill against the issuance of CBDCs in the USA. 

And indeed, the previous proposal was made by Republican representative Tom Emmer, always in honor of the anti-surveillance of Central Bank Digital Currency. 

In September 2023, however, Emmer’s proposal had been criticized by Democratic representative Maxine Waters, defining it as anti-innovation for the USA’s CBDCs.

The political debate has therefore seen Republicans being criticized by Democrats because on one hand they are in favor of crypto, blockchain, and decentralization, but on the other hand they want to hinder the work of central banks in creating a CBDC.

Not only, among Waters’ words, this obstacle to the issuance of a US CBDC would be causing a slowdown in the race towards digital currencies in the country, against emerging powers such as China.

Joining Waters’ idea, there was also Stephen Lynch who claims that Republicans are allowing 130 other countries to take the lead on CBDC, compared to the USA. 

On the other hand, Emmer wanted to emphasize that being in favor of crypto, blockchain, and decentralization, does not necessarily mean being in favor of CBDCs. In fact, CBDC is a sovereign digital currency controlled by the government.