The president of the SEC Gary Gensler denounces the disegno di legge sul mercato delle criptovalute before the voto della Camera


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The presidente della Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Gary Gensler, ha recentemente espresso forti critiche nei confronti di un disegno di legge sul mercato delle criptovalute che è in attesa di voto alla Camera dei Rappresentanti degli Stati Uniti. 

According to Gensler, the proposed law would exempt blockchains and cryptocurrencies from regulation as securities, which, in his view, would severely undermine investor protection.

The proposed law and the concerns of Gensler and SEC

The bill in question aims to create a clearer and more favorable regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, excluding them from the SEC’s strict control over securities. This approach has garnered broad support from major players in the cryptocurrency sector, who see the proposal as an important step towards the legitimization and mainstream adoption of decentralized technologies.

However, Gensler emphasized that such an exemption could pose significant risks to investors. “Cryptocurrencies and blockchains, if not properly regulated, can become tools for fraud and market manipulation,” Gensler stated. “Excluding these technologies from the realm of securities means leaving investors without the necessary legal and operational protections.”

Despite the concerns raised by the SEC, the bill has garnered significant support both inside and outside of Congress. Many of the major players in the cryptocurrency sector, including important exchanges and blockchain developers, have seen the proposal as a necessary response to promote innovation and the competitiveness of the United States in the global landscape of digital technologies.

Former President Donald Trump has also expressed his support for the bill. In a recent statement, Trump emphasizes the importance of adopting a more favorable approach to the cryptocurrency industry. “Cryptocurrencies represent the future of money and finance,” Trump stated. “We need regulations that encourage innovation, not stifle it.”

The debate on the regulation of cryptocurrencies

Il dibattito sulla regolamentazione delle criptovalute è diventato sempre più acceso negli ultimi anni, man mano che queste tecnologie hanno guadagnato popolarità e valore di mercato. 

On one side, the supporters of cryptocurrencies argue that lighter regulation is essential to stimulate innovation and attract investments. On the other side, regulators like the SEC insist on the need to protect investors and ensure market stability.

Gensler has repeatedly reiterated the SEC’s position that many cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICO) should be considered securities and therefore subject to existing securities laws. This approach has led to several legal actions against cryptocurrency platforms accused of conducting unregistered securities offerings.

The exemption from regulation as securities could facilitate the development and growth of blockchain startups and new cryptocurrencies, making it easier for these entities to raise funds and operate without the burden of complex securities regulations.

However, the concerns expressed by Gensler should not be underestimated. The lack of regulation could indeed increase the risks of fraud and market manipulation, putting less informed investors at risk. Additionally, it could create a more volatile and less transparent market environment, with potential repercussions on overall financial stability.


The debate on the regulation of cryptocurrencies is destined to continue, with strong arguments from both sides. 

While the bill on the cryptocurrency market awaits the vote of the House, the words of Gary Gensler resonate as a warning about the potential risks of a too permissive regulatory approach. In a rapidly evolving sector, finding a balance between innovation and investor protection remains a crucial challenge for legislators and regulators.