
Correlation between the price of Bitcoin and that of stocks

According to a graph that is circulating a lot on X,...

Elon Musk is no longer interested in cryptocurrencies.

According to the latest rumors leaked in a recent X Space...

Purchases record for Nvidia thanks to Bitcoin mining

The American graphics processing company, Nvidia, often associated with the topic...

Revolut app: the review of the year 2022 and its budget forecast for this 2023.

Revolut app has published its annual report for the year 2022,...


Engines and Tech: Toyota is considering integrating Ethereum blockchain into its vehicles

Toyota, the largest automotive company in the world, plans...

Bitcoin: analysis of today’s price movements

Today, the price of Bitcoin has returned to $67,000:...

US: the senator from Kansas withdraws his support for the anti-crypto bill advanced by Elizabeth Warren

Senator from Kansas Roger Marshall has chosen to stop...

$4 million in donations in Bitcoin and crypto for Donald Trump

The Republican candidate Donald Trump has raised donations of...

The Bank HSBC Australia will block all payments to crypto exchanges: concern about scams

The bank HSBC Australia has recently announced that it...