The curious anecdote of ‘Ninja’ in the Craig Wright trial: an alleged connection with Satoshi, the creator of Bitcoin


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The trial of Craig Wright, aimed at determining whether he is the creator of Bitcoin, namely Satoshi Nakamoto, concluded its second week with an interesting anecdote regarding his alleged involvement. 

On Friday, Craig Wright’s sister, Danielle DeMorgan, took the witness stand, recounting an episode in which she saw him dressed as a ninja and another moment in which he was working intensely in a room filled with computers. 

These details have been presented as evidence supporting the claim that Wright is the creator of Bitcoin. Let’s see all the details below. 

Craig Wright: a key figure in the context of the alleged role of Bitcoin creator, Satoshi

As anticipated, the process of the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) dedicated to solving the mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin (BTC), has concluded its second week.

On Friday, Craig Wright’s sister, Danielle DeMorgan, took the witness stand to recount an episode described in one of her blog posts. 

In this article, he claimed to have recognized Wright as Satoshi Nakamoto when he heard the name “Satoshi”, which he believed to be Japanese. 

In the story, DeMorgan shared that he had seen Wright, at the age of 18 or 19, dressed as a ninja in a park, an event that helped connect the dots. 

He then added that he saw him again in 2007 or 2008 in a room full of computers, where Wright had explained that he was working on something significant. It should be noted that Satoshi’s Bitcoin white paper was published at the end of 2008.

The words of the witnesses at the trial 

On Friday, Wright’s witness, Mark Archbold, spoke up in the discussion. 

In 2005, during a conversation about digital currency, Archbold had already suspected that Wright was Satoshi due to the cryptography software developed in the 2000s. 

Cerian Jones, a patent lawyer, was also questioned on Friday. His testimony focused on the fact that Wright’s patents could indicate that he was the creator of Bitcoin. 

Jones has emphasized that being associated with Wright could be problematic due to his divisive nature.

The COPA lawyers had called the first witnesses on Thursday, labeling some of their testimonies as “confused” and unreliable. 

Wright’s testimony had concluded on Wednesday, and COPA had declared that many of his statements were “lies”. At the beginning of the week, COPA’s lawyers had also asked Wright to stop making “irrelevant accusations”.

The process will continue next week, with further witnesses from Wright scheduled for Monday, followed by cross-examinations of COPA witnesses starting from Tuesday. Wright will face another cross-examination on Friday.

Senator Warren celebrates Satoshi Nakamoto and the Bitcoin Revolution

The senator Elizabeth Warren, long known for her aversion to Bitcoin, has recently shown a remarkable change of course. 

In an event held in New York City and organized by Bitcoin Magazine and PubKey, the senator praised the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, by raising a flag on Capitol Hill to commemorate the 15 years since the launch of the Bitcoin network.

This change in attitude by Warren represents a significant departure from his previous critical stance towards cryptocurrencies. 

Thomas Pacchia, co-founder of PubKey, emphasized the importance of Warren’s political support for Bitcoin, reflecting on her supportive actions.

Warren’s recognition comes after her recent legislative efforts to address the challenges related to the misuse of cryptocurrencies for illicit activities.

This change in perspective also comes after the senator’s criticism of spot Bitcoin ETFs, which she considered a significant mistake that allowed the cryptocurrency to further consolidate in the financial system.

Elizabeth Warren, in her new approach, has recognized the need for new laws to regulate the use of cryptocurrencies and prevent illicit activities by terrorist groups, rogue nations, drug lords, and various scammers. 

This turn marks a significant change compared to the senator’s previous proposal, in the previous year, to create an “anti-cryptocurrency army” in her re-election attempt.

In May 2022, he had also expressed concerns about the inclusion of Bitcoin in Fidelity’s 401(k) offerings, collaborating on a letter addressed to CEO Abigail Johnson.